

Team Profile Generator TheAnswer07


Table of Contents:

Project Description:

This Team Profile Generator project is a Node.js command-line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.

User Story:

AS A manager I WANT to generate a webpage that displays my team’s basic info SO THAT I have quick access to their emails and GitHub profiles


Thanks to Michael Scharfas (2017mike) for all the considerable support connected with building this app.


Test files UI individual profiles files Main UI page file Profiles generated with Roles, IDs, Emails, Office number (Manager) - GitHub link (Engineer) - School (Intern)


You can contribute to this project by accessing my GitHub page.

GitHub Profile

GitHub App Link

Walkthrough video demonstrating App Functionality


  1. Tests run passed:

Tests run passed

  1. Profiles generated via VScode Terminal:

Profiles generated via VScode Terminal

  1. Team Profile UI:

Team Profile UI